Saturday, January 31, 2009

So it Begins

This is the blog I have always wanted to write (and have tried several times to do so). My earlier attempts arose from a dual need to implement a daily writing practice and have my words read by whoever, essentially as a means of breaking out of my “creative” shell. But, today as I was doing my Morning Pages (more on those later), I realized that I finally had something worthwhile to write about: my spiritual walk. Spirituality is the thread that seems to run through every aspect of my life, every thought process, everything that interests me. My favorite topic/subject is love and every “what do I want to do when I grow up” dream revolves around “building the beloved community” - a concept that I am still trying to wrap my mind around.

So, I am not a preacher, teacher or even a theology student (though I am considering divinity school). I am just a very imperfect 28 year old who fumbles and thankfully is the beneficiary of a whole lot of grace. This blog is not intended to evangelize or convert anyone to any particular religion. I can’t do that, because I am really still trying to figure it all out myself. I have lots of questions - so this also is not an instructional guide.

What I will do is tell you about this journey, my insights, my struggles, my wild successes and epic missteps . Ever the bibliophile, I will share what I am reading and the impact it has on me. Movies, music, the occasional provocative societal issue that strikes a chord or nerve. The YouTube clips that just have to be shared….those are the only things I can promise… and that I will be honest and attempt to update on a weekly (I want to say daily, but then that would negate the whole honesty bit) basis.

So far my practices include Morning Pages (a tool of The Artist's Way that have you do 3 pages of free writing first thing in the morning) meditation, and yoga. Unfortunately, as great as my intentions are, I can be really lazy and downright defiant about doing any of these. Nevertheless, I can definitely feel their absense when I go too long - so tomorrow, Feb 1st, I start back again. I am teaming up with my Aunt Sandy to do the The Artist's Way, I will section off 10 minutes (baby steps) a day for meditation and I already have my gym bag packed for a hatha yoga class at the gym down the street. This blog is also a tool of accountability!!!!

The other practice is going to church. I have been passively looking for a church home because I like the experience of fellowship, love singing, and need the words of encouragement to get me through the week. We are living in some CRAZY times, so if I ever felt the need to be in the presence of the holy, its now.

Tomorrow, I plan on going to Rankin Chapel to see Rev. Dr. Renita Weems, whose blog, Something Within" is definitely an inspiration for me. I love her writing and I am looking forward to hearing her speak.

That's about it for now. If I can figure out how to do it, I will embed the YouTube of India Arie singing "Back To The Middle". The lyrics don't necessarily coincide with the blog, but somehow it feels right. The title definitely speaks to where I am right now and I guess, where I am trying to get to.

Love and light,
